
The event will be held at Hoffbrau Steak & Grill House, 7203 W Interstate Hwy 40, Amarillo, TX 79106. We would like your help in filling it with folks holding checks ready to be made out for $100 a piece. That’s it.

  • Show up with a $100 check
  • We will listen to three charities tell the group their story
  • The group will vote
  • The checks get made out to the winner

100 of us means they get $10,000 that night!

You can eat and drink if you like and everyone will have their own tab. Easy peasy.

Tell your friends and let’s make the Amarillo area even better.

A big Shout Out to Hoffbrau for hosting the event!

We’ll see you there for our next event on April 28th!

charity in amarillo